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outie belly

Innie or Outie: Why it Really DOES Matter

Belly buttons can come in all sorts of shapes and depths, but are generally divided into two categories: innies and outies. While innie belly buttons are flat or hollowed, outie belly buttons protrude to some degree. But the differences between

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Tongue-Tie Revision

The missing piece for tongue-tie revision aftercare

You’ve probably seen it many times. A baby presents the following symptoms: gas, colic, clicking while feeding, poor weight gain, fussiness, or difficulty staying on the breast. You know that these signs point to tongue-tie or ankyloglossia. If a tie

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Infant Craniosacral Therapy – A Powerful Treatment Tool for Birth Professionals

Ahh, babies. We love babies! Tiny hands, pudgy wrists, rose-petal-soft skin – sigh. But… wait for it… Cue the fussing! When exhausted parents turn to you for help because they’ve tried (and failed) to soothe their babies, it can feel daunting if you aren’t able to make a difference. Especially, when it’s your job to figure it out.

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Meaghan demonstrating craniosacral technique with an infant skull model

Who is Meaghan Beames, and what does she know about babies?

When I was fifteen, my older sister raved about her physiotherapist’s newest discovery: a gentle but surprisingly effective healing modality known as craniosacral therapy, or CST. At the time, I had no idea that one day CST would change the direction of my life.

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About Meaghan

I’m Meaghan Beames, RMT, CST and Founder/Owner of MyBaby CST and Beames CST Training Centre. I’m the mother of 2 young kids, passionate about babies, and obsessed with helping families. If I’m not learning something new, then I’m sleeping.

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